Set against the backdrop of a hauntingly blue world, "STARBO" unfolds the eerie tale of Leo Cornell, a deceased man navigating the deep, enigmatic tunnels of this azure realm. Here, he encounters bizarre messages and entities, each attempting to convey a profound narrative.
Leo, once just an ordinary worker grappling with harsh conditions under his oppressive boss, Jorge Blue, discovers on the very day he loses his job that his life has also ended. With these revelations, he embarks on an extraordinary voyage through uncharted passages that stretch beyond the confines of his former reality.
"STARBO" offers a first-person adventure-horror experience designed to immerse you in the rapid-fire unfolding of Leo Cornell's chilling journey. As you delve into this new world, you'll unearth hidden keys, tackle challenging puzzles, and evade the clutches of bloodthirsty creatures determined to see you fail.
WARNING: This game features intense graphics. Video games may trigger seizures in individuals with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.